About the Journal

History of Estudos Biblicos

Estudos Bíblicos was born from the exegetical, hermeneutic and homiletic “comments” of the Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (REB), an annex published in 1984 by Editora Vozes. Two years later, it became an independent journal, with constant quarterly periodicity, maintained with fidelity until 2019, when it started to be published semestrally.

The journal Estudos Bíblicos testifies the growing interest in the study of Sacred Scripture. By deepening the knowledge of the Scriptures it also seeks to respond to the interests of biblical pastoral care, liturgical celebrations and the demands of Christian life in general.

Editora Vozes was responsible for the printed publication since its beggining, which was discontinued in 2020. That year, the magazine was interrupted to be possible the making of a major reformulation, the transition from print to electronic format and the change of the publisher. Estudos Bíblicos was resumed in 2021, only in electronic format, and is now published by the Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa Bíblica (Abib) [Brazilian Association of Biblical Research], of which it is the official journal.

Institutional affiliation

Estudos Bíblicos is published by the Brazilian Association of Biblical Research, a non-profit organization that has brought together researchers and researchers in the biblical area since 2004.


Estudos Bíblicos disseminates scientific works that build a dialogue between biblical science and pastoral action, showing the incidence of the Bible in contemporary reality.

Focus and scope

Estudos Bíblicos is characterized by being a journal prepared by scholars of Sacred Scripture, concerned with making the biblical message dialogue with Christian realities. In light of the socio-religious experience of ecclesial communities and the study of the Bible, its collaborators seek to present texts that respect the criteria of scientificity dialoguing with the reality of pastoral agents.

Estudos Bíblicos is an ecumenical journal. Its collaborators represent different Churches such as Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Anglican, Presbyterian and Baptist. Respecting the different Christian denominations, they seek to value the common dedication to the Sacred Scripture and fidelity to the message of Jesus Christ for today.


Biblical Theology; Biblical hermeneutics; Bible and Pastoral; Latin American biblical reading; Biblical studies.


With an ecumenical character, the journal is aimed at professors and students of Theology, priests, pastors, pastoral agents of the different Christian Churches, as well as anyone interested in a deeper knowledge of the Scriptures.


Biblical Studies is published every six months from 2019. From 1984 to 2018, it maintained a continuous and uninterrupted quarterly publication, with a minimum of 32 articles per volume. In 2020, it was interrupted so that a major technical overhaul was possible, the transition from print to electronic format and the change on the journal's publisher, from Editora Vozes to Abib. Special issues can be published in particular cases. 


Access policy

As of 2021, all issues of Estudos Bíblicos were made available with free access, using the Open Jounal Systems (OJS) platform. The magazine is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). This means that any user is allowed to access articles, read, storage, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing or enter them as data in softwares. Articles have been gradually being posted on the site since October 2021, with all 137 issues expected to be available by December 2021.

Evaluation Policy

Manuscript submission to Biblical Studies is done exclusively through the OJS system. The pre-evaluation of submitted manuscripts includes verification of the text in relation to the focus, scope, descriptors, writing and formatting normative  of the journal, carried out by the editors. Verification of plagiarism and self-plagiarism is also carried out, with the latter having a limit of 25%. All texts in the form of an article or communication submitted to Biblical Studies are sent to ad hoc reviewers, so that they go through a double blind review process. The reviewers are chosen based on the themes and scope of work as researchers from the Brazilian national platform of researches named Plataforma Lattes; foreign reviewers are also invited considering the impact of their academic publication in the evaluated area. Each reviewer must declare availability, capacity and the absence of conflicts of interest prior to the assessment.

The evaluation considers the following aspects: relevance of the content for biblical research; originality (in case of original article); structure; language and writing; theoretical foundation and argumentation; quality of the fonts used; adequacy to the journal's writing standards. The final decision on publication is reserved to the editors, who consider the entire evaluation process and the journal's ethical principles. In case of conflicts between opinions, editors can send the text to a third ad hoc referee. Reviews are evaluated by a member of the scientific board and the editorial board. 

Section policies

Expedient: ISSN, title, editorial board and editors, mission, indexers, catalog card, contact information.

Open submissions ( X )          Indexed (  ) Peer review (  )

Editorial: text organized by one of the editors that presents the theme of the dossier and the articles and communications in the issue.

Open submissions ( X )          Indexed ( X ) Peer review (  )

Articles: articles submitted to Biblical Studies can be original or review, with each volume maintaining a minimum of 60% of original articles. From 2021 onwards, the articles are divided into two subsections: “Articles - Dossier”, bringing together articles on the theme proposed by the call of the number, and “Articles - Free subject”, bringing together texts on various themes. The number of articles may vary per issue, with a minimum of 16 per volume. The structure of the article must follow the guidelines for authors. There is a pre-assessment by the editors, considering adequacy to the focus/scope, mission, and descriptors, theme relevance, formatting and general adequacy to the journal's norms. After that, they are submitted to an evaluation by two ad hoc reviewers in the double blind review.

Open submissions ( X )          Indexed ( X ) Peer review ( X )

Communications: publishes texts in the form of essays, case reports, ongoing research reports, thematic reflections, interviews and texts that do not fit into other sections. The evaluation is carried out by the editorial team, based on the journal's norms and, if approved, they are submitted to two reviewers for evaluation in a double-blind format.

Open submissions ( X )          Indexed (  ) Peer review ( X )

Nominata: in the last issue of the year, the nominata is published with the ad hoc reviewers who evaluated the articles in the volume.

Open submissions ( X )          Indexed (  ) Peer review (  )

Reviews: the journal accepts descriptive or critical book reviews. The text is evaluated by a member of the scientific board and the editorial board.

Open submissions ( X )          Indexed (  ) Peer review (  )

Ethics and retraction policy

Estudos Bíbliicos values ​​the ethical principles that govern scientific publication in the academic world, ensuring the honesty and suitability of publications, aiming high ethical standards in publications. Thus, the dialogue between reviewers and authors is valued, promoting academic autonomy and freedom, based on objectivity, grounded criticism, reasonableness, the search for impartiality, in an environment of debate and respect. The board of Estudos Bíblicos editors guides its action in relation to ethics and retraction based on the Report of the Research Integrity Commission of the National Research Council (CNPq), as well as in the guidance "International research publication: international standards for editors", published byScielo. In case of retraction, the Editorial Board follows the guidelines proposed by Scielo, indicating in the summary of the original publication that it is a retracted text . Checking for plagiarism of articles is done from the CopySpider software or the DocxWeb system. In case of similarity detection, the responsible editor dialogues with the author(s)  requesting their comments before defining that it is a plagiarism behavior.

Copyright and indexing by authors' policies

In the submission, the author(s) declare that it is an original and unpublished text, not submitted to other journals. They also declare that there are no conflicts of interest in the text and that they are responsible for the content of the manuscript and that it does not violate any rights of third parties. Furthermore, they declare that the submission of a manuscript to Estudos Bíblicos implies the immediate assignment of the electronic and printed publication rights to the journal and that the copyright of the text are maintained to the author(s). Authors can deposit their work in institutional repositories of their companions, such as Diadorim or Sherpa / Romeo. Biblical Studies is in the process of indexing both repositories.

DIgital Object Identifier (DOI)

The journal Estudos Bíblicos  is registered at DOI under the prefix 10.54260. To this number, the suffix "eb." is added, identifying the name of the journal, the volume number, indicated, for example, as "v37", followed by the issue number, in the format "i143", for example.


As integrated to Open Journal Systems (OJS). Biblical Studies archiving system is LOCKSS (https://www.lockss.org/), which allows for distribution in libraries, as well as the preservation of published numbers. It also uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN), which offers free preservation services for any OJS magazine. The journal has interoperability protocols (OAI-PMH: Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting)

Indexers and Databases

Biblical Studies currently has the following indexing links:

Associated with: Crossref, Ibict - Catálogo Coletivo Nacional

Indexers and repositories/databases: EBSCO Information Services, Directory of Open Access JournalsLatindex, New Testament AbstractsOld Testament AbstractsGoogle Acadêmico, REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico, Periódicos Capes, Index Theologicus, Diadorim, Bibliografia Bíblica Latino-Americana, LivRe, Road, Rede Pergamum, Catalogo Italino dei Periodici, Gateway Bayern, ZDB - Zeitschriften Datenbank, Sudoc, Sumários.org, Europub, Elektronische Zeitschiftenbibliothek, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), CiteFactor, Matrix de Información para el Análisis de Revistas (MIAR), Semantic Scholar, Advanced Science Index.

Disseminators:SwisscoveryWorldCatKatalog Universität WürzburgTindale House Biblical Weblinks, Katalog für die Bibliotheken der Universität Heidelberg, Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, Katalog für die Bibliotheken der Universität Heidelberg, Augustana, Departamental Library of Diaconic Studies, Health Care and Social Work, Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg, Harvard Divinity Scholl Library.


Catalog Card

Dados da Catalogação na Publicação

Bibliotecária Nadia Ficht CRB 9/1386


Estudos bíblicos / Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa Bíblica. – v.1, n.1 (1984).

- São Paulo: Abib, 2021. 23 cm

Trimestral a partir de 1984.

Semestral a partir de 2018

Interrompida em 2020.

ISSN: 1676-4951 (versão impressa)

2764-1287(versão eletrônica)

1. Teologia. 2. Estudos bíblicos. 3. Hermenêutica (religião). I. Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa Bíblica. II. Título.

CDD 20. ed. – 230