History of the review Estudos Bíblicos, from 1984 to 2020
Biblical studies, Popular Bible reading, HermeneuticsAbstract
The article presents a history of the review Estudos Bíblicos, from its first number in 1984 to number 143 in 2020. The historical period analyzed corresponds to the phase in which the review was published by Editora Vozes, from Petrópolis, in printed form. It is located in the new phase of the review, which is now published online, under the responsibility of the ABIB. The article begins with the origins of the review, from an ecumenical group of exegetes, who met in the early 1980s. It highlights the ecumenical and pastoral character that has always guided the publication. Over the course of a few decades, the review published the literary production of Brazilian and foreign scholars, always focusing on the popular reading of the Bible.
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