Theology of the pure and the impure as a representation of social control




pure, impure, social control, post-exile, Judaism


The post-exile period produced a different understanding of what should be considered pure and impure. Those who returned from the Babylonian exile, aiming to intensify the exercise of political and economic power, reorganized the concepts of pure and impure as a representation of social control. In this sense, the religious discourse becomes a form of power, capable of reorganizing the social space in such a way that the pure can be equated with those in the center and the impure with those on the periphery, terms used to explain the social dynamic that is created around the concepts of holiness and impurity.

Author Biographies

Mariana Eugenio Schietti, South American Theological Faculty, Londrina, Brazil

Master in Theology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. Doctoral student in Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. Tutor at the South American Theological Faculty, Londrina, Brazil.

Luiz Alexandre Solano Rossi, Pontifical Catholic University, Curitiba, Brazil

Doctor in Religious Sciences from the Methodist University of São Paulo and Master in Theology from the Instituto Superior Evangélico de Estudios Teológico, Argentina. Post-doctor in Ancient History from the State University of Campinas and in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. Professor of the Graduate Program in Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University, Curitiba, Brazil, and at the International University Center, Curitiba, Brazil.


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How to Cite

EUGENIO SCHIETTI, M.; ROSSI, L. A. S. Theology of the pure and the impure as a representation of social control. Estudos Bíblicos, São Paulo, v. 37, n. 144, p. 276–288, 2021. DOI: 10.54260/eb.v37i144.309. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.

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