Life in the Spirit: Rm 8,1-13 in the light of Biblical Semitic Rhetorical Analysis
Romans, Biblical Semitic Rhetorical Analysis, Flesh/Spirit, Law/Spirit, Life/PeaceAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the pericope of Rom 8,1-13 from the perspective of Biblical Semitic Rhetorical Analysis, with the help of some steps of the Historical-Critical Method. Rom 8 is considered the apex of Pauline theology in this letter, and Rom 8,1-13 addresses the theme of life in the Spirit in Christ Jesus, demonstrated between the antithesis flesh/spirit, which depending on the reader's choice, can lead to life or the death. With the support of Biblical Semitic Rhetorical Analysis in Rom 8,1-13, it is possible to perceive the form in which the text is developed, emphasizing the antithetical and synthetic parallels, as well as the chiastic structure of some verses, which will make evident the contrasts flesh/spirit, law/spirit, life/peace, present in Rom 8,1-13. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the first step to be developed in this article is the translation and segmentation of the pericope of Rom 8,1-13, followed by the textual criticism, which is considered important here, for a judgment of the variants that would point to the text closest to the original. The second step is based on the Biblical Semitic Rhetorical Analysis, where the connection of Rom 8 to a section covering chapters 5–7 of this letter is seen. And finally, the Semitic Biblical Rhetorical Analysis is carried out in Rom 8,1-13
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