Land: revelation and gift (Exodus 6,2-8)




Revelation, Land, Covenant, Liberation, Gift


The article deals with land care as an expression of a new vision of ownership and possession of assets. From the search for other possible worlds, it presents an exegesis of Exodus 6:2-8 that highlights its main themes: the revelation of YHWH and the liberation of the Israelites for a new and dignified life on earth given by YHWH to his people. Its basic hypothesis is that the pericope manifests the voice of the Judaite peasantry in the process of reorganization of Judah under the period of Persian domination and in the consequent composition of the normative form of the Pentateuch (Torah). Its hermeneutic inspiration comes from the popular reading of the Bible and its exegetical methodology is similar to the so-called Critique of Writing, with an emphasis on the role of sociocultural memory in the composition of texts.

Author Biography

Júlio Paulo Tavares Mantovani Zabatiero, South American Theology Faculty, Londrina, Brazil

Doctor in Theology from the EST Faculties, Master in Theology from the EST Faculties. Professor at the South American Theology Faculty, Londrina, Brazil.


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How to Cite

ZABATIERO, J. P. T. M. . Land: revelation and gift (Exodus 6,2-8). Estudos Bíblicos, São Paulo, v. 37, n. 144, p. 210–221, 2021. DOI: 10.54260/eb.v37i144.374. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.