"Cuando tenga la tierra": the banished, brave people, facing the latifundium
Liberation theology, conflict, contextual Bible reading, struggle for land, landless peasantsAbstract
Starting from the conflictive situation of the landless peasants in their historical struggle to reconquer the expropriated territories, looking for light and strength, we will revisit the Word of God (in the accounts of Gen, Dan and Jt) alive and palpable in the conflicts as a key to biblical reading. Our political-pastoral journey involves conflicts, tensions. The temptation is to reduce conflict into disharmony, imbalance and death. But no! Confronting conflict is a bright ray in the dark night we are going through and that requires us to respond to inequality, violence, abuse, control of body-territories. Our lexicon and our pronouncement are based on the conflict between the Bible and the hermeneutic field/social place that assumes the conflictive horizon of territorial struggles, of the just and legitimate claims for land, its materiality and historicity, mystical, ultimate motivations. The article is inscribed in the (ins)urgent task and permanent exercise of analysis of the reality of the oppressed classes and also wants to be a critical intervention/militancy for another world, without the fences and walls of the latifundium.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Denis Wilson Silva, Gilvander Luís Moreira
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