Profecia bíblica e anarquismo na Tanakh
anarchism, prophetism, antimonarchismAbstract
The prophetic tradition of the religion of Israel included many elements of what later became part of anarchist thought. The aim of this article is to observe the presence of anarchist and antimonarchist discourses throughout Tanakh through qualitative bibliographic research. From a minimal characterization of anarchism, we will analyze its presence in the prophetic discourse in the Former Prophets, especially in the books of Judges and 1Samuel, completing the analysis with a reading of the “statute of the king” from Deuteronomy 17 and some texts from Kethuvim. The results of the study indicate that anarchist thinking among the Hebrew prophets always remained in tension with the monarchy, correcting its excesses. This tension is characteristic of anarchist thought until today, which is not capable of proposing a form of government but serves as a corrective for the forms that are instituted in power.References
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