Run away from Earth or save it? Noah, Moses and the projects of the ultra-rich
Noah, Moses, Planet Earth, Ultra-rich, CatastropheAbstract
This article seeks to analyze the image of Noah in the episode of the ark (Gn 6,5–9,17) from Jewish interpretations, and the one of Moses interceding of Moses in the account of the golden calf (Ex 32,1-14), giving the basis for the discussion about personal salvation projects carried out today by ultra-rich. Jewish approaches indicates that Noah silently sought to save himself and his family, while Moses discussed, argued, and sought the salvation of all the people he was leading. The ultra-rich of today follow Noah's proposal: they are not interested in the situation of most of the population and of the Mother Earth. Following the example of Moses, we could save ourselves and save the Planet from a catastrophe, if the enormous economic and technological resources used in the interplanetary advance and in the instruments to protect the “event” were applied to the care of Planet Earth.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ildo Perondi, Fabrizio Zandonadi Catenassi
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