Sobre opressão e violência versus solidariedade e direito! (uma leitura de Oseias 12,2-11)
Ḥesed., Mišpaṭ., Northern Kingdom, oppression, violenceAbstract
This article will address the solidarity and right issues through Hosea 12.2-11 on the perspective of Gn 32,23 memory, to denounce the sins of all people that are not loyal to Yahweh in their actions. The translation is the starting point to the understanding of how the hosean rewrite, that does not have an optimistic view of the past, is relevant in the call to the social commitment. At the same time, we will seek to move the message and the prophet from the importance of the North kingdom had in the 8th century B.C. and the “heritage” of Jeroboam II, despite the traditions made in the South.
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