Wisdom of Women in Exodus





widsom, woman, gender, race, Exodus


The theme of the article is the wisdom of women in three pericopes of the book of Exodus (4:24-26; 1:15-22; 2:1-10). The main objective is the exegetical-hermeneutical exposition of the meaning of these pericopes, with emphasis on their contribution to the struggle for liberation. The methodology employed is hybrid: it combines historical exegesis with literary analysis and gender and race hermeneutics from a post-colonial or decolonial perspective. The epistemology present in the article is tributary to Gadamer and his concept of game, reread from the struggle for liberation in the Latin American continent. Its main results: the presence of feminine texts and themes in the book of Exodus in its redactional history and in its canonical form. It shows the presence of peripheral theological concepts and themes derived from women's struggle and wisdom. It shows the transcendence of wisdom in relation to the boundaries of gender, race, ethnicity, and creed. An incidental contribution is made by the style of the article itself, which follows the norms of the academy but transcends them with the norms of wisdom writing.

Author Biography

Júlio Paulo Tavares Mantovani Zabatiero, South American Theological Faculty, Londrina, Brazil

Doctor in Theology (EST Faculties) and Master in Theology (EST Faculties). Professor at the South American Theological Faculty, Londrina, Brazil.


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How to Cite

TAVARES MANTOVANI ZABATIERO, J. P. Wisdom of Women in Exodus. Estudos Bíblicos, São Paulo, v. 38, n. 145, p. 90–102, 2023. DOI: 10.54260/eb.v38i145.945. Disponível em: https://revista.abib.org.br/EB/article/view/945. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.