The spirit of Yahweh and Its Relation to Social Justice in Micah 3:5-8




social justice, spirit of Yahweh, leaderships, corruption, public actions


Micah demonstrates in his text the ethical distance of the political and religious leaders of his time from the original project of the Alliance. Specifically in the pericope of Micah 3,5-8 there is the observation that the presence of the spirit of Yahweh is closely linked to just actions and the practice of social justice. The prophet makes several denunciations of corruption, oppression and exploitation by those who should care for and watch over the rights of the most vulnerable in society. The leaders defrauded God's original plan. On the other hand, the prophet Micah declares himself full of the ruah Yahweh, the spirit of Yahweh, which enables him and gives him strength to oppose and denounce injustices. It appears that it is not possible for someone to be overflowing with the spirit of Yahweh and, at the same time, remain oblivious to the effective practice of justice, as it is a form of expression of God's presence that is effective in public life. The lack of these virtues denotes how far a person or society is from Yahweh. The presence of the spirit in a person or society is necessarily manifested through acts of justice, as a form of expression of God's public presence. The lack of just actions reveals how far a person or society is from Yahweh. Every action in favor of implementing public justice and transforming reality is liberating, and it is a divine action on behalf of the individual, society and the collectivity.

Author Biographies

Sandra Morais Ribeiro dos Santos, International University Center, Curitiba, Paraná

Master in Theology (Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná), Specialist in History of Religions (Unique Faculty of Ipatinga). PhD student in Theology (Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná). Professor at the International University Center, Curitiba, Paraná.

Luiz Alexandre Solano Rossi, Pontifical Catholic University, Curitiba, Brazil

Doctor in Religious Sciences from the Methodist University of São Paulo and Master in Theology from the Instituto Superior Evangélico de Estudios Teológico, Argentina. Post-doctor in Ancient History from the State University of Campinas and in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. Professor of the Graduate Program in Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University, Curitiba, Brazil, and at the International University Center, Curitiba, Brazil.


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How to Cite

MORAIS RIBEIRO DOS SANTOS, S.; SOLANO ROSSI, L. A. The spirit of Yahweh and Its Relation to Social Justice in Micah 3:5-8. Estudos Bíblicos, São Paulo, v. 38, n. 146, p. 156–168, 2023. DOI: 10.54260/eb.v38i146.961. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.