The Song of Songs - an ode to full sexuality




Song of songs, gender, women, sexuality, Bible


What about a biblical book that remains at once unfamiliar and urgent? The Book of Song of Songs fits that description perfectly. Erotic, embarrassing and breathless, its pages hide precious contributions to the reflection of sexuality in general and specifically, of women. Contrary to popular belief, sexuality is not constituted by innate emotions. However, the social constructions for men and women are significantly different. The expectations that guide female sexual behaviour are not only specific, but also restrictive. In a society governed by androcentric guidelines, women's sexuality has often not received attention in itself, but always in a mediated way. In times when conservatism and moralism resonate as biblical and Christian orthodoxy, this text emerges as an ode to the fullness of sexuality. What does a book like Song of Songs have to say in the face of these scenarios? What kind of hermeneutics is capable of allowing this text to speak unimpeded and relevantly? One of the great contributions of the Book of Song of Songs lies in the fact that the body is affirmed as a source of pleasure and a space for creativity that reflects human wholeness: personality and emotions, and thus rescues the true nature of what sex is, whose delight every woman can now experience, and this is what this article intends to demonstrate.

Author Biography

Karen de Souza Colares, Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

PhD in Theology and Master in Theology (Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology), Specialist in Bible (EST Faculties). Professor of Theology in ecclesiastical seminars for lay people in the city of Belo Horizonte.


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How to Cite

COLARES, K. de S. The Song of Songs - an ode to full sexuality. Estudos Bíblicos, São Paulo, v. 39, n. 147, p. 91–102, 2024. DOI: 10.54260/eb.v39i147.962. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.