New perspectives at the Babylonian exile: an intertextuality between Jer 29:5-7 and the tablets of Āl-Yāḫūdu
Judaite Diaspora, Biblical exegesis, Material cultureAbstract
Based on the intertextuality between biblical and extra-biblical sources, the present research seeks to analyze the life of the deportees from Judah to Babylon in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.E. To this end, a dialogue is proposed between the biblical text of Jer 29:5-7 and the tablets of Āl-Yāḫūdu. In this paper, we have established three main paths to be followed: the first is delimited in introducing the general information regarding the corpus of Āl-Yāḫūdu and its relevance to the current research of the exile of Judah. In the second moment, the research focuses primarily on the imperatives that are used in the text of Jer 29:5-7. Finally, possible connections are suggested between Jer 29:5-7 and the six tablets we have selected from the corpus Āl-Yāḫūdu, seeking to understand whether the emergency commands expressed in the biblical source are possible to be found in the extrabiblical records.
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