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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format. Authorship data were taken from the body of the text and from the document properties, ensuring a double-blind review process.
  • When available, URLs for referrals have been provided.
  • Text is single spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); figures and tables are included in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The text strictly follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in About the Magazine page.
  • Manuscript submission respects the journal's ethical proposal, in accordance with the item Ethics and retraction and the authors are aware that the demands on inaccurate or false statements are entirely his responsibility (Art. 298 and 299 of the Brazilian Penal Code)

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

  • Areas: Biblical Studies accepts research and biblical hermeneutics texts that dialogue with pastoral practice, in ecumenical, Latin American and Brazilian perspectives.
  • Type of text: submitted texts must fall into one of the following types:
  1. Dossier: original articles responding to the theme of the dossier published in the Call for Articles.
  2. Free-themed articles: original scientific articles free-themed that correspond to the focus and scope of the journal.
  3. Communications: thematic reflections, texts presented at events, essays, case studies, experience reports, interviews and other texts that do not fit into other sections of the journal.
  4. Reviews: reviews made by experts presenting a critical reading of recent works (books, films, artistic works) on the biblical theme.
  • Degree: for articles, the minimum degree must be a master's degree. For the other modalities, there are no restrictions.
  • Responsibilities of authors and copyright: the texts must be unpublished and not be in the process of review by other means of publication. The content of published texts are under responsibility of the authors. The text must indicate funding for the research, if any.
  • Fees: Estudos Bíblicos does not charge any fees for submission or publication of articles.
  • Copyright: in the process of submitting the text, the authors must inform that they cede the copyright and the print and electronic publication rights to Estudos Bíblicos and that there is no conflict of interest regarding to the submission. The rights of publication in other types of publication remain with the authors, as long as the original publication is referenced. The texts may have been previously presented at scientific events or even be part of monographic works, as long as the information is expressly indicated in a footnote. The author may also submit a translation of the manuscript to the journal for bilingual publication, but he or she is responsible for the translation.
  • Ethics Committee: if the research is experimental and carried out with humans, the authors must inform in the methodology the number of the project approved by the ethics committee.
  • Languages: texts can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian, French and German.
  • Text submission: submission must be done online, via the OJS platform.
  • Information about authors: the authors must keep their registration profile updated with the following data:
  1. Full name and no abbreviations;
  2. Orcid Code;
  3. Titles, indicating the degree, title and institution that granted it;
  4. Institutional affiliation, indicating the institution, city, state and country;
  5. Email;
  6. General contact details.

Preparing your manuscript


  • Page: Margins: top and left 3 cm, bottom and right 2 cm. Text editor: Word for Windows or OpenOffice.
  • Number of pages: up to 15 pages for articles, up to 10 pages for communication and up to 6 pages for review. Larger texts must present a justification in a note to the editor when submitting the file.
  • Spacing:  the simple spacing (1.0) should be used in the whole manuscript. The first line of the paragraph must be indented to the left by 1.25 cm. The text must be distributed in a justified manner, with the exception of titles and references, aligned to the left.
  • Font: Times New Roman size 12 should be used for titles, names of authors and authors and for texts. Exceptions are for footnotes and long direct citations, which must be in Times New Roman size 10. The title of the article or text titles must only have the first letter capitalized.
  • Biblical languages: Greek or Hebrew characters should not be used. When essential for understanding, the terms must be transliterated, written in italics and always accompanied by a translation into English. The bibliographic source used as a reference for the transliteration must be indicated.
  • Titles: primary and secondary titles must be presented in bold and numbered, starting from the introduction, in the format “1”, “1.1”, “1.1.1” and so on. Between the numbering and the title, do not use a period. The title of the article, as well as the secondary titles, must have only the first letter in capital.
  • Tables and illustrations: must be presented in high resolution, along with the text, numbered, with title and corresponding font. A case of adaptation or translation must be indicated. Example of title and source indication:

Figure 1 – Seal belonging to a high official of Jeroboam II.

Source: Kaefer (2015). or Source: Adapted from Kaefer (2015).

  • Italic: in the text, avoid using capital letters, that is, do not write whole words with capital letters. Also avoid using bold. In general, use italics only for foreign terms, highlighted words, book or magazine titles, etc.
  • Gender: Debates on gender are already making a lot of contributions, especially from the point of view of women. Therefore, avoid the generic “man” and make explicit man and woman, or person, or human being, or other terms. Include women, both in language and in the perspective of reflection and in the specific task of writing.
  • Latin American vision: always try to start from our Latin American reality. Also with regard to the bibliography used, not only dialogue with texts from other regions, but prioritize the biblical production of Latin America. It is a matter of privileging our hermeneutics.
  • Authorship data: all data about authors are included in the submission and must be removed from the body of the text and file properties.
  • For other issues, follow the current ABNT regulations.


Citations in the text must be presented in the “author-date” format. Direct or indirect textual citations must be accompanied by the corresponding page number, except for the citation of the work as a whole or exceptional cases, which must be described in the act of submission.

In textual form:

  • Anderson (1988, p. 25)
  • Fernandes and Grenzer (2011)
  • Schlaepfer, Orofino and Mazzarolo (2004)
  • Echegaray et al. (2010, p. 27)

After the quotation:

  • (ANDERSON, 1988, p. 25).
  • (ECHEGARAY et al., 2010).
  • Biblical quotes: the only abbreviations used are those of biblical books, following the system of the “Jerusalem Bible”. As an exception to the aforementioned regulation, the dash must be used to indicate continuity between chapters. Quotations of chapters and verses must be presented complete, not using the “s” or “ss”. Check all quotes with the Bible itself, as there are often errors in typing numbers.
  • "Check": do not use the abbreviation "cf." but give precise information such as: see, compare, check, or others, that set the tone for dialogue with the reader.


  • References must follow current ABNT regulations, with works highlighted in italics.
  • Avoid using the acronym "et al." to identify more than three authors or authors.
  • If the work is available online, always indicate a link for access.
  • When there are works by the same author, repeat the name, do not use "______.".
  • Here are some examples:


MAZZAROLO, Isidoro; FERNANDES, Leonardo Agostini; LIMA, Maria de Lourdes Corrêa (Orgs.). Exegese, teologia e pastoral: relações, tensões e desafios. Santo André: Academia Cristã; Rio de Janeiro: PUC-Rio, 2015.

SCHWANTES, Milton. História de Israel: local e origens. 3. ed. São Leopoldo: Oikos, 2008. v. 1.

TISCHENDORF, Constantin von. Novum Testamentum graece. 8th ed. Leipzig: Giesecke & Devrient, 1869. v. 1.


ARTUSO, Vicente. Súplica por libertação de um perseguido: Salmo 54. In: GERSTENBERGER, Erhard S.; ROSSI, Luiz Alexandre Solano. (Orgs.). Salmos: experiência de Deus na vida do povo. Santo André: Academia Cristã, 2015. p. 71-82.

KONINGS, Johan. A palavra de Deus entre a letra e o espírito. In: GASDA, Élio Estanislau (Org.). Sobre a palavra de Deus: hermenêutica bíblica e teologia fundamental. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2012. v. 1, p. 11-22.

PEREIRA, Nancy Cardoso. “O meu povo será como árvore.” Florestas, trabalho e ídolos em Isaías 44. In: KAEFER, José Ademar; JARSCHEL, Haidi (Orgs.). Dimensões sociais da fé do Antigo Israel: uma homenagem a Milton Schwantes. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2007. p. 101-120.

SILVA, Valmor da. Leituras do Êxodo na América Latina. In: REIMER, Haroldo; SILVA, Valmor da (Orgs.). Libertação – Liberdade. Novos olhares: contribuições ao II Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa Bíblica. São Leopoldo: Oikos; Goiânia: UCG, 2008. p. 13-26.

Dictionaries and entries

 ANDRADE, Aíla Luzia Pinheiro de. Recepção judaica e cristã da Bíblia. In: MORI, Geraldo Luiz de (Ed.). Theologica Latinoamericana. Enciclopédia Digital. Available in: Access on: 10 jun. 2020.

ESSER, Hans H. Misericórdia, Compaixão. In: COENEN, Lothar; BROWN, Colin. Novo dicionário internacional de teologia do Novo Testamento. 3. ed. São Paulo: Vida Nova, 1985. p. 176-182.


 ANDERSON, Ana Flora; GORGULHO, Gilberto. A mulher na memória do êxodo. Estudos Bíblicos, Petrópolis, n. 16, p. 38-51, 1988.

GARMUS, Ludovico. Noé, o descanso e consolo em meio aos trabalhos (Gn 6-9). Grande Sinal, Petrópolis, v. 65, p. 149-156, 2011.

MESTERS, Carlos; OROFINO, Francisco. Los dos Decálogos en defensa de la vida. Revista de Interpretación Bíblica Latinoamericana, Quito, n. 65, p. 68-76, 2010. Available in: Access on: 10 jun. 2020.

PEREIRA, Ney Brasil. Misericórdia, amor, bondade: a misericórdia que Deus quer. Cadernos Teologia Pública, São Leopoldo, v. 12, n. 105, p. 3-16. Available in: Access on: 10 dez. 2016.

SIQUEIRA, Tércio Machado. O evangelho do Antigo Testamento. Estudos Bíblicos, Petrópolis, n. 51, p. 23-31, 1996.

Academic works, dissertations and theses

CATENASSI, Fabrizio Zandonadi. Análise narrativa da transgressão em Cades (Números 13-14): função literária na unidade e na composição do Pentateuco. 2018. Thesis (Doctorate in Theology) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.

MARIANNO, Lilia Dias. A ameaça que vem de dentro: um estudo sobre as relações entre judaítas e estrangeiros no pós-exílio em perspectiva de gênero. 2007. Dissertation (Master in Sciences of Religion) - Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências da Religião, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo, 2007.

Internet articles

INTERNET e estudo conectam sonhos de jovens nas periferias brasileiras. Nações Unidas Brasil, Brasília, 17 set. 2021. Available in: Access on: 23 jan. 2017.

SILVA, Airton José da. Os governos de Saul, Davi e Salomão. Available in: Access on: 5 out. 2020.

SOCIEDADE BÍBLICA DO BRASIL A tradução da Bíblia para línguas minoritárias. Available in: Access on: 6 mar. 2020.

TOGNERI, Silvia. Como ler a Bíblia. aBí, [s. l.], 1 set. 2012. Available in: Access on: 25 abr. 2021.

Articles/commmunications Structure

  • Title (centered, bold).
  • Title in Portuguese (centered, italics).
  • Abstract and abstract in portuguese, with 100-250 words, followed by 3-5 keywords, separated by period. 
  • Introduction (bold, numbered), explaining the objective of the work and the methodology used.
  • Text, divided by headings (bold, numbered).
    Final considerations (bold, numbered).
    References: quoted in alphabetical order, without indents, separated by a single space.

Review structure

  • The title should be “Review” (centered, bold).
  • Reference of the work, according to the guidelines cited above. Mandatory insert number of pages and collection (if any).

Articles - Dossier

Articles submitted to Biblical Studies can be original or review, with each volume maintaining a minimum of 60% of original articles. From 2021 onwards, the articles are divided into two subsections: “Articles - Dossier”, bringing together articles on the theme proposed by the call of the number, and “Articles - Free subject”, bringing together texts on various themes. The number of articles may vary per issue, with a minimum of 16 per volume. The structure of the article must follow the guidelines for authors. There is a pre-assessment by the editors, considering adequacy to the focus/scope, mission, and descriptors, theme relevance, formatting and general adequacy to the journal's norms. After that, they are submitted to an evaluation by two ad hoc reviewers in the double blind review.

Articles - Free subject

Articles submitted to Biblical Studies can be original or review, with each volume maintaining a minimum of 60% of original articles. From 2021 onwards, the articles are divided into two subsections: “Articles - Dossier”, bringing together articles on the theme proposed by the call of the number, and “Articles - Free subject”, bringing together texts on various themes. The number of articles may vary per issue, with a minimum of 16 per volume. The structure of the article must follow the guidelines for authors. There is a pre-assessment by the editors, considering adequacy to the focus/scope, mission, and descriptors, theme relevance, formatting and general adequacy to the journal's norms. After that, they are submitted to an evaluation by two ad hoc reviewers in the double blind review.


Publishes texts in the form of essays, case reports, ongoing research reports, thematic reflections, interviews and texts that do not fit into other sections. The evaluation is carried out by the editorial team, based on the journal's norms and, if approved, they are submitted to two reviewers for evaluation in a double-blind format.


The journal accepts descriptive or critical book reviews. The text is evaluated by a member of the scientific board and the editorial board.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.