Clues for a resignification of the concept of YHWH in the Song of Songs
Song of Songs, YHWH and sexuality, flames of Yah, sacred and erotic, concept of YHWHAbstract
Few books in the Bible have had as many variety of interpretations as the Song of Songs. Its poetic language filled with erotic metaphors raises questions about its place in the Canon. Current research mostly understands the Song through its natural interpretation, proposing that the book deals with erotic-sexual love present in the relationship of the passionate couple. However, verse 8:6 shows the connection of this eroticism experienced throughout the book with God by saying that love is flames of Yah. Thus, the Song presents a proposal for redefining the relationship between the erotic and the sacred. This proposal for redefinition becomes clear when we analyze both the intertextual relationship that the Song has with the priestly writings of the Persian period, and the progression of the concept of YHWH from the Judean monarchy to the priestly theocracy. Such analyses show that the Song not only redefines erotic-sexual love, connecting it to YHWH, but also give us clues to see a redefinition of the concept of YHWH itself, as God present in sexual relationship.
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