Flood in the Bible: human violence and the new order of nature with justice
flood, justice, covenant, rereading, NoahAbstract
The article presents the account of the flood and its reinterpretations throughout the Bible, as a proposal for the salvation of the earth and humanity. Both in the original report and in the other references, there is a rescue dimension, according to which human violence and the chaos of nature are overcome by the justice of a new order and a new covenant. Noteworthy is the character Noah who, with his family, represents the model of an upright and righteous person. The aim of the article is to enhance the positive aspect of the flood, in texts from the Old and New Testaments, with its reinterpretations to restore order in chaotic moments in history. Methodologically, the analysis starts from the account of the flood in the book of Genesis and selectively presents three texts from the Old and three texts from the New Testament, in which the same proposal of righteous order is reestablished. It is proposed, therefore, to overcome readings of the flood as punishment, in view of interpretations that value the peace covenant with respect to nature and universal justice.
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